The BIPOC Acro Collective Care Ecosystem

Take Power, Make Power
Residency Program

Take Power, Make Power is an interdisciplinary residency program that empowers BIPOC acrobats with tools to develop and amplify their artistic voices, while building and sustaining skills for their semi-professional, professional, or/and personally fulfilling creative acrobatic practice. The program will be held virtually April - September, 2025, and culminate in an in-person training and show creation residency October 17th - 26th, 2025.

Program Overview

TPMP's mission is to resource BIPOC acrobatics with tools and methodologies from various artistic disciplines to support them in creating dynamic, captivating live performance that has a goal of inspiring social change.

6-8 acrobats will be selected to attend the inaugural TPMP residency, which will be held remotely via zoom April through September, 2025, and will culminate in an in-person, three-day training in San Francisco (venue TBD) Oct 17th - 20th, followed by a show creation intensive and three final performances at ODC Theatre in San Francisco, Oct 21st - 26th, 2025.Art is historically the most powerful form of propaganda, so it is critical to our cultural landscape that those most targeted by systemic oppression are resourced to share their stories in ways that can reach and impact wider audiences, through creation processes rooted in cultural context, peer-based interdisciplinary sharing, and artistic self determination.This combats the colonial culture of the so-called “United States” - where the residency is based - that endeavors to strip BIPOC of their bodily autonomy and imagination, silence marginalized artists, and center White supremacist value systems when resourcing, creating, and promoting artistic work.

What do residents receive?

  • An unrestricted, minimum $500 stipend

  • 24+ hours of remote artistic workshops and mentorship from BIPOC mentoring artists April-September 2025

  • Recorded sessions of workshops and any additional materials offered by mentoring artists

  • 12+ hours of cohort and small group mentorship from a BIPOC artistic director and creative doula April-September 2025, within a virtual ensemble building space

  • Invitation to optional, in-person jams and training sessions leading up to the intensive

  • 10+ hours of personalized, acrobatic instruction from world-renowned BIPOC coaches, as a part of the week-long in-person intensive

  • 20+ hours of in-person ensemble show development and rehearsal, facilitated by the artistic director and doula, plus open rehearsal/training time

  • Full production of three shows, plus documentation of all shows and panel discussion at the acclaimed ODC Theater in San Francisco

  • The option to apprentice the TPMP project manager and administrators to gain more insight and skills regarding project management, production, tech, marketing, and more

  • Promotion across BACCES and community partner social platforms, including the San Francisco Arts Commission, ODC Theater, and Independent Arts & Media

  • A resource packet including offerings from community partners, ongoing opportunities, and consolidated information relevant to acrobatic training, creating, and producing artistic and cultural work

How is this residency adjudicated?

This residency is adjudicated by members of The BIPOC Acro Collective Care Ecosystem, and external contractors who will be working closely with residents.

Who can apply?

All Take Power, Make Power residents must:

  • Identify as BIPOC

  • Have a current, consistent partner or group acrobatics practice

  • Have a desire to connect and create with other BIPOC acrobats, artists, and social change makers

  • Have a desire/curiosity to learn experimental and cross-disciplinary artistic practices, and create performance that shares their lived experience, and/or promotes a meaningful message, in alignment with the program’s mission and offerings

  • Be able to commit to six hours per month of online residency workshops April - September, 2025

  • Be able to commit to being in an intensive training and creation process, and perform in three public shows in San Francisco October 17 - 26th, 2025

What else is considered?

While TPMP will consider applicants from any location, for our first year we will be prioritizing applicants who are local to the San Francisco Bay Area (within a 50 mile radius). While we have a long-term dream to expand nationally and internationally, this year we can not guarantee funding to cover any travel or housing for residents.TPMP takes into consideration any additional information applicants feel called to share about their social location such as race, ethnicity, economic status/class history, gender, sexuality, disability status, religious and cultural practice, and/or criminalized experience/experience with the carceral system; we recognize that all of us are impacted by White supremacist colonial capitalism, and that the impact is greater for those at multiple intersections of oppression, and we therefore strive to resource applicants who are least likely to receive opportunities such as this one.

Why Acrobats?

The TPMP residency believes that acrobatics is an inherently powerful performance language with the potential to catalyze deeper thinking and social change. Partner and group acro is unique as an artistic discipline, in that it is not possible to do without collaboration, communication, and an investment in community. As with most artistic and movement disciplines in the so-called “United States,” BIPOC acrobats face systemic and social barriers that often prevent them from accessing further education, training, funding, and other resources to support their practice. American circus in particular has a history rooted in the exploitation of and violence towards impoverished Black, Brown, and Asian people; White supremacy culture remains prevalent in contemporary circus as well, within both the “recreational” and “professional” spheres. Reparations, resource redistribution, and opportunities centering BIPOC circus artists are long overdue.

Timeline & Residency Details

Timeline Overview

November 2024: Applications Open
January 2025: Applications Close
March 2025: Residents, creative and administrative staff, and mentoring artists announced
April - September 2025: Virtual workshops, mentorship, and ensemble building sessions
October 17th - 26th, 2025: In-person residency and performances
November - December, 2025: Post-residency reflections

During the remote portion of the program (April - Sept),
residents will receive 6 hours of workshops and mentorship each month:

  • A two hour workshop with a seasoned BIPOC artist - these mentoring artists span all disciplines of live performance, with a focus on creating experimental, immersive, and impactful performance that catalyzes shifts in audience perspectives, and creates tangible social change. These workshops will provide residents with a variety of tools to tap into the stories they feel called to share, develop their creative voice, experiment with different performance languages, and merge new storytelling and cultural practices with acrobatics. These monthly workshops will also be open to the public on a paid, sliding-scale basis, with the proceeds being split between the teaching artist and BACCES. Residents will be provided with recordings of each workshop, and any supplemental materials provided by the mentoring artists.

  • A two hour mentorship session - In addition to the two hour skill sharing workshops, the resident cohort will receive an additional two hour mentorship session from each mentoring artist. These sessions are open for the residents, TPMP artistic doula, and residency director only. In these sessions, residents can connect on a deeper level with the mentoring artists, ask further questions, and receive dedicated time and attention in service of expanding their creative practice and critical analysis of artistic work, in alignment with their curiosity and desires, in a BIPOC-only space.

  • A two hour integration session - At the end of each month, the resident cohort will meet with the TPMP artistic doula and/or residency director to share how they have been reflecting on and integrating the teachings from that month’s mentoring artist. Additionally, these sessions help prepare residents for the in-person intensive and show creation process; residents can discuss their visions for the final performance, show works-in-progress, and offer/receive feedback from the cohort, artistic doula, and director.

The residency will culminate in an in-person, 3-day training in San Francisco (venue TBD) Oct 17th - 20th, followed by a show creation intensive and three performances
at ODC Theater in San Francisco, Oct 21st - 26th, 2025.

During the three day training and beginning of the creation intensive, the residents will receive personalized acrobatic coaching from world-renowned BIPOC instructors. They will also attend devising sessions with the artistic doula and director, who will guide them as they put the tools they’ve learned over the course of the residency into practice, culminating in a full-length, cross-disciplinary acrobatic show.
At the end of this intensive, residents will perform three showings of their devised piece: one free showing for BIPOC community members followed by a community discussion, and two ticketed, public performances. The workshops and performances will be documented for the residents’ personal and professional use after the program concludes.

Sounds Great! How do I apply?!

Check back for more info on other ways to get involved with TPMP soon!
Keep scrolling to learn how to get in touch and read more about our production team.

Get in touch - support tpmp!

This project is only possible through the generous support from the San Francisco Arts Commission, ODC Theater, and our fiscal sponsor, Independent Arts & Media.You can join us in empowering BIPOC acrobatic artists by making a fully tax deductible donation at Make sure to mention TPMP in your Message of Support!Interested in sponsoring the program, offering other kinds of support, or collaborating in a different way?
Reach out to us at [email protected]!

Values we are centering as the TPMP production team

We are taking this opportunity to invest in artists first; people are more beautifully complicated than the constructs of money or time can make space for. We will never be able to unwind all of capitalism’s constrictions, but we have the power to loosen the grip. If it doesn’t serve the people, it doesn't serve our purpose.

We will lead this project this with patience and care; we will not allow urgency to overcome our process. We always have time, it comes to us in abundance. We have done much more with much less.

This project will not be perfect. Perfection does not exist; but we can ask ourselves: is this nourishing for all involved? Whose desires are being heard, centered, and fulfilled? How can we bring more connection, creativity, and joy into the process? We are always learning, what a gift.

@invertedlifesf has a passion for adventure and an insatiable curiosity to live a life less ordinary. Ariel is the founder of @BIPOCacro and the Board Vice President of @csaw_circus, an organization increasing the accessibility of information and funding for circus artists, specifically focused on microgrants for circus artists of color. Read more about Ariel's work on our Instagram!

@azrael.artist is a transsexual menace, artist, producer, and educator living on Cherokee land in North Carolina. Their work is informed by the wisdom they’ve received from those who are most targeted by state violence and U.S. imperialism, and they are eternally grateful for their BIPOC, street-based, and criminalized loved ones who teach them all they know about work, play, rest, and resistance. Read more about Mae's work on our Instagram!

@veronica_ blair_aerialist is a renowned aerialist, choreographer, and circus researcher. Through her @unclejrproject, a multimedia archive celebrating the contributions of people of African descent in American circus, Veronica curated Entrapment to Entertainment: A Celebration of Black People in American Circus in 2013 and 2023. Read more about Veronica's work on our Instagram!

@corncobcalhoun is a biracial non-binary trans femme dance theater artist and advocate for those whom existence is also often resistance. Her work centers around the visceral experience(s) of being together and plays with the meaning of relationship(s), always seeking to explore and experiment with the structures that impose oppression over exxxpresion, in hopes to inspire people to communicate, collaborate, and collectivize. Read more about Colby's work on our Instagram!